Struggling to achieve the sound in your head? We turn self-producing artists into professionally trained mastering engineers in just 9 weeks. Then we turn them into professional mix engineers and professional producers too.
Animated stories: Jason I am is an animated story of Jason in different stages of his life through childhood to adult. The stories are about his cultural backgrounds, and diverse friends he came to know and love. It is also about friends, family, a sister named Ernesto.
Grunge brings you History with new perspectives and storylines you may not have known.
Learn finance habits and tips with shane hummus.
We give you deep answers to simple questions about science and the rest of the universe. Created by Joe Hansen
Learn about Civic History and how it affects us today!
Science and stories about our awesome planet! Our staff: Lizah van der Aart, Sarah Berman, Cameron Duke, Arcadi Garcia, David Goldenberg, Melissa Hayes, Alex Reich, Henry Reich, Peter Reich, Ever Salazar, Leonardo Souza, Kate Yoshida and Jasper Palfree.
Discover centuries of iconic artifacts, innovations, inventors, and social changers that helped shape America and the world. Some of our world-famous artifacts include the Rosa Parks Bus, the chair Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in, the John F. Kennedy Limousine, and one of the first Apple 1 computers created by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1976.
Learn about the Greek Gods.
Listen to and read Biblical Hebrew vocabuary to touch up on your hebrew skills for your next trip to the Holy Lands.
A show about things that tickle your brain - science, philosophy, mathematics, culture, rationality, technology, language, design
Colombia University beleives in a higher education for everyone.
Shane Hummus deep dives into the Thriving and dying industries of today.
John Green is a huge internet Persona who has hosted shows like Sci Show and co founded Crash Course.
Learn Chemistry with Fuse School, their informative and easy to understand videos will have you talking chemistry in no time.
Highline College presents a series on Cultural Excellence and how it affects the workplace, Social Enviroment.
We live in an era where you don't necessarily need to "go to" work. You can work from anywhere! This channel is dedicated to remote jobs.
Learn how to maintain a healthy body and mind with fuse school.
FuseSchool Teaches you the basics of biology.
The School of Life brings you Tips and Advice on how to better yourself and overall life!
Fuse School brings you Physics in easy to understand and digestable tid bits.
Fuse School breaks down the aspects of environmental Chemistry aswell as the effects they have on us.
Philosophies for Life is all about giving ancient wisdom for modern living. We are dedicated to giving out life-changing philosophical ideas that will help you improve all the aspects of your life - spirituality, finance, relationships, mental and emotional.
For those of us who live our lives in the real world, one branch of philosophy is created just for us: Stoicism. It’s a philosophy designed to make us more resilient, happier, more virtuous, and wiser–and as a result, better people, better parents, and better professionals. Stoicism has been a common thread through some of history’s great leaders...
It is an exciting course studying the key events of the day supported by theory and all the details of how our political and government systems work. We also examine political ideology and compare the UK system and politics with the USA's. This channel should help you decide if politics is the course for you.
I make videos about maps and many other things where we make and sell travel courses.
Fuse School Brings you a chennel dedicated to Chemical reactions and how they work.
Informational and Educational Shorts by Psyched2Go
Watch educational and insightful shorts by Sprouts.
Fuse School Educates us on the properties of Matter.
The School of Life brings you a channel dedicated to the history of capitalism and why it works for some nations and not others.
Welcome to Crash Course Geography hosted by Alizé Carrère! This 50-episode course will be split into two parts. In the first half, we will focus on physical geography or the processes and phenomena of the physical world both above and below the Earth's surface. We'll ask questions like, "why is the seafloor so young when the Earth is so old?" or try to identify why winds and ocean currents are so important to life on Earth. Then we'll turn our focus to human geography and explore the ways people occupy the Earth's surface. Like how we've moved, settled, and used the land, resources, and space. Join us as we tell the story of the Earth.
Welcome to CrashCourse Economics, in which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill introduce you to Crash Course Economics! CC Econ is a new course from the Crash Course team. We look forward to teaching you all about the so-called dismal science.
CrashCourse World History is a great series to better help you understand some aspects of our world.
Welcome to Crash Course Statistics! In this series, we will examine how statistics play a significant role in our everyday lives. Now this is a "math" course, and there will be some math, but we're going to focus on how statistics is useful and valuable to you!
Welcome to Crash Course Organic Chemistry hosted by Deboki Chakravarti! Starting next week, we'll be tackling the notoriously complicated subject of organic chemistry, and hopefully having some fun along the way!
In our first episode of Crash Course Engineering, Shini explains what engineering is, and gives a brief overview of its four main branches (civil, mechanical, electrical, and chemical) as well as a look at some of the other fields of engineering.
Welcome to Crash Course Biology! Over the next 50 episodes, Dr. Sammy will show you how you are connected to every bug, bat, and bacteria that has ever lived. From itty-bitty cells to vast global systems, we’ll see how biology can help us understand ourselves better—and our relationships with the living (and non-living) things all around us. Now I know some of you might be thinking: “Didn’t you already do a Biology series?” Yes, we did. But we’re using everything that we’ve learned over the past decade of Crash Course to make you an even better series. Biology 2.0, if you will. Extra-shiny!
In which John Green talks about the future of Crash Course, which in this case is the past because we're going to teach some more World History. This year, things will be a little more topical. We'll be talking about big ideas like money and debt, disease, and war. And Vikings.
John Green is teaching history again. This time, we're looking at the history of Europe in 50 episodes. We'll start at the tail end of the so-called Middle Ages, and look at how Europe's place in the world has developed and changed in the last 700 years or so.
Crash Course Mythology with Mike Rugnetta is here, and we have the preview video to prove it. We'll be uploading Friday afternoons to fulfill all your hunger for foundational cultural stories and whatnot.
we are bringing you Crash Course Sociology. Host Nicole Sweeney will walk you through questions big and small about how we both shape societies and are shaped by them. We hope you'll join us.
Welcome to Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology! Learn about The Amazing Human Body
This channel shows reggae lovers and musicians around the world how to play reggae guitar, bass, keyboard, drums and other reggae instruments.
Science offers a way of discovering and understanding the world, driven by questions and tested with evidence. And it’s a twisty-turny team effort— you won’t find many lone geniuses or straight lines from hypothesis to conclusion. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll talk about how scientific progress is made, from peer review to mathematical models, with some exploding eggs along the way.
Learn Biology with Fuse school!!
Le Ex brings you a channel dedicated to teaching you the terminology of economics to help better your understanding of the economic landscape that run our nations.
This Channel is dedicated to the learning of physiology.
Learn beautiful British English (modern RP) with English teacher Lucy Bella Earl.
This Channel is dedicated to helping you understand the basics of genetics.
The School of Life brings you a channel dedicated to the history and insight of Pop culture and how it comes to be.
This Channel is Dedicated to the Understanding of Capitalism and how we play into the system.
The School of Life brings you a channel dedicated to the history of Literature and the Influencers of the Times.
We’re an educational YouTube channel made up of entertainment enthusiasts with backgrounds in game design, television production, literature, and academia. Our team creates short-form animated video essays every week about world history, mythology, and other subjects, all of which may or may not involve a cat!
The School of Life brings you a channel dedicated to self-improvement. They are helping you better yourself day by day, for you, and the people around you.
The School of Life brings you a channel dedicated to the Western philosophers who paved the way for modern thinkers.
Angles come up everywhere in life… which is why we need to learn about them. Learn Geometry with Fuse School.
Spirit Science is a platform for the evolution of consciousness! Weaving science and spirituality together to find the deeper meaning behind the mysteries of life, and change the world in the process!
Mashables Explains is a series devoted to teaching you about various issues, traditions, and more!
Applying management skills can help you succeed in both your personal life and your professional life. The better you can work with people the more successful you will be both personally and professionally. American society tends to promote two isms that tend to lead to being unhappy. Individualism—being selfish by just looking out for yourself; take advantage of others for your own personal gain.
The School of Life brings you Advice on how to better your relationships and prosper.
This Channel is dedicated to john green and his partner in their endevour to explain current and past events, aswell as their causes and effect.
The School of life Teaches you about how we feel certain feelings and why we feel them. The goal is to be self-understanding, calm and gain emotional maturity.
Burdie's second channel, where he talks about everything from politics to YouTube influencers.
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